Want to know how to build, use and extend your rosco_m68k? You've come to the right place...
Welcome to the go-to resource for all things rosco_m68k! Here, you’ll find everything you need to get started—from detailed assembly instructions to guides on building exciting extensions. Dive in and explore the full potential of your machine!
Getting started
Building your kit
Just received your kit and can't wait to get started? Check this section for everything you need to know.
Getting started
Connecting your rosco_m68k
How to connect your new old computer to your old new macOS® or Linux® computer
Getting started
Running the examples
Download and run the Enhanced BASIC interpreter, and other example programs.
Development Environment Setup
Toolchain installation
How to set up your coding environment on macOS® and Linux® (Windows® users are recommended to use a Linux VM)
Development Environment Setup
Building the software
Getting started with building software for your board is a breeze! This document tells you everything you need to know.
Development Environment Setup
Installing the emulator
We have a full-featured emulator for the rosco_m68k - and installing is simple. Check out the docs here!